Horațiu Șovăială is a Romanian photographer and filmmaker based in Zürich, Switzerland.
instagram: @horatiu.sovaiala
Horațiu’s work is balanced between artistic and commercial projects. He communicates through colour and character building and takes a cinematic approach to his imagery.
He often draws inspiration from various archives of historical and contemporary images and intuitively creates images with a timeless quality.
His images are often carefully staged and produced, and other times are captured from real life experiences.
Selected commissions: 079, Bolero Magazin, Bongénie, Das Magazin, DOR, Globus, ING Bank, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Jelmoli, Kajet Journal, Konfekt, Monocle, NZZ am Sonntag Magazin, Scena 9, Migros Engagement, Netflix, Pro Helvetia, Swatch, Wall Street Journal, ZEIT Magazin, Z Magazin
Commercial portfolio on request.
His first personal book “Calea Bucuresti” was published in 2017 and is available here.
Reacknowledged Structures: Models at the Cupola Gallery, the Contemporary Photography Biennial, Iași, RO
GJF20 at the Moebius Gallery, Bucharest, RO
Calea București at the Moebius Gallery, Bucharest, RO
Reacknowledged Structures: Models, Circulations Photo Festival at 104 Centquatre, Paris, FR
You have always seen the Unseen at the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, RO
Sports Bar at the Suprainfinit Gallery, Bucharest, RO
New East Festival at IDEAL, Centre d'Arts Digitals, Barcelona, ES
British Journal of Photography - Circulations 2019
Calvert Journal - Circulations 2019
Calvert Journal - Lucian Varvaroi XXX
Œ Magazine - Lucian Varvaroi XXX
Out of Stock - Lucian Varvaroi XXX
instagram: @horatiu.sovaiala
Horațiu’s work is balanced between artistic and commercial projects. He communicates through colour and character building and takes a cinematic approach to his imagery.
He often draws inspiration from various archives of historical and contemporary images and intuitively creates images with a timeless quality.
His images are often carefully staged and produced, and other times are captured from real life experiences.
Selected commissions: 079, Bolero Magazin, Bongénie, Das Magazin, DOR, Globus, ING Bank, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Jelmoli, Kajet Journal, Konfekt, Monocle, NZZ am Sonntag Magazin, Scena 9, Migros Engagement, Netflix, Pro Helvetia, Swatch, Wall Street Journal, ZEIT Magazin, Z Magazin
Commercial portfolio on request.
His first personal book “Calea Bucuresti” was published in 2017 and is available here.
Reacknowledged Structures: Models at the Cupola Gallery, the Contemporary Photography Biennial, Iași, RO
GJF20 at the Moebius Gallery, Bucharest, RO
Calea București at the Moebius Gallery, Bucharest, RO
Reacknowledged Structures: Models, Circulations Photo Festival at 104 Centquatre, Paris, FR
You have always seen the Unseen at the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, RO
Sports Bar at the Suprainfinit Gallery, Bucharest, RO
New East Festival at IDEAL, Centre d'Arts Digitals, Barcelona, ES
British Journal of Photography - Circulations 2019
Calvert Journal - Circulations 2019
Calvert Journal - Lucian Varvaroi XXX
Œ Magazine - Lucian Varvaroi XXX
Out of Stock - Lucian Varvaroi XXX